5 Ways To Grow Your Small Business in Your Kansas City Office Space

While many people attempt to start small businesses, it takes more than just the initiative to strike out on your own to maintain a successful small business.  Check o out these tips for succeeding in the small business world from other businesses that have found success, as outlined in the article “Helping Your Business Grow Series”:

1. Be Unique.  Find your niche in the business world—there is no point in doing something that someone else is already doing well.

2. Hire Smart. Practice mindful employment. Assess the gaps in your business and work to employ people who have the skills to improve your business in these areas.

3. Innovate.  The key to remaining unique is innovation.  If you are successful, other businesses will try to imitate what you do, but consistent innovation will keep you at the head of the pack.

4. Be Proactive.  Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you.  If you find a gap in the market that your business could fill, do it before someone else gets there!

5. Build on your Strengths.  Focus on what your business well and continue to find ways to do it even better.

The key to small business growth is consistent hard work and creativity!

If your business is interested in a small office lease in Kansas City, give a commercial real estate broker in Kansas City a call at 913-685-4100.



5 Tips for Designing a Small Office Space in Kansas City

Small businesses tend to have to get creative when designing an office space.  Your office equipment and décor should allow for a combination of functionality and an inviting environment for clients and employees.  Here are a few tips for making the most of a small space, as suggested in the article “Small Office Space Layout Design & Storage Ideas”:

1.Go for Openness. Trying to cram too many cubicles and dividers into a small office space can make the office seem even smaller and more crowded.  Create an open office environment, which will have the added benefit of allowing for collaborative work and encouraging teamwork among your employees.  If you have to create a partitioned area, do it for meetings with clients or private discussions, and try to put this area in the back of your space.

2.Take Measurements. Not taking enough accurate measurements of a space is a simple mistake that many business owners make.  In addition to measuring your space, make sure you measure any piece of furniture or equipment you are considering purchasing to make sure that it will fit in the space that you want to put it.  Try measuring your current furniture and looking through catalogs with measurements listed to get an idea of what will actually fit.

3.Be Thrifty.  A lot of times you can find good furniture for an office at yard sales or thrift shops.  This can also allow you to be a little creative with your furniture—you can bypass the bulky, standard office furniture and try something unique and perhaps even more functional, such as long dining room tables for work stations or pullout desks that can save you some space.

4.Reduce Your Paper Files. “Go green” and cut down on clutter by taking advantage of online data and file storage options, such as DropBox, GoogleDocs, Box.net, and more.  You will save a lot of space with fewer papers to file.

5.Wall Storage. If you cannot fit file cabinets or other storage furniture in your office, look to the walls.  You can add shelves, cubbies and magazine holders to the walls in order to hold things like files, supplies, reference books, and more.  You can also use space under desks for storage containers for additional room.

Get creative with your small office space and create an environment that is unique, inviting, and efficient!

Looking for a small office lease in Kansas City?  Give us a call at 913-685-4100 to learn more about our affordable office space in Kansas City!



5 Tips for Growing Your Small Business in Your Kansas City Office Space

It is important for small businesses to not only focus on getting through the day-to-day work routine, but to also constantly keep looking for ways they can continue to grow their business.  Here are some tips for growing your small business, as suggested in the article “Helping Your Business Grow”:

  1. Work ON your business.  Do not just get in the habit of working in your business—take some time to step back and figure out what is going well and what should be improved.
  2. Be positive.  Keep your work environment positive; make sure it is a place employees look forward to coming to every day, versus something they dread.
  3. Take a breather.  It is okay to step away every now and then to rest and rejuvenate so that you can return with full energy and enthusiasm.
  4. Build relationships.  Strive to develop strong relationships with your coworkers and other businesses you work with.  Make sure that goals are clear and consistent.
  5. Keep an eye out for new opportunities.  Even if you aren’t really looking for anything in particular, it is important to be open to new opportunities, rather than looking back and regretting missing something.

Don’t let your business stagnate because you’ve lost focus on developing it!

If you are interested in a small office lease in Kansas City, give a commercial real estate broker in Overland Park a call at 913-685-4100.


3 Terms You Need to Know Before Entering Negotiations for a Small Office Lease in Kansas City

Before entering negotiations for a commercial space, educate yourself on how negotiations work and the ways you can be a better negotiator.  Here are a few terms to know, as defined in the article “Develop Negotiating Skills”:

#1 Market Comparables

Market comparables are the prices of spaces in recent similar transactions.  By determining the market comparables for your space, you can have a benchmark to reference for what is roughly paid for those types of spaces.  You might use a commercial real estate broker to help you determine these numbers.  However, bear in mind that your landlord might make a case for charging a higher price than other recent market comparables if they believe a space offers added benefits beyond those other spaces.

#2 Pricing Power

Both you and the landlord might have pricing power, which is what distances you from competition.  For instance, a landlord might be charging a higher price for a space, but might still have more pricing power than another landlord with a lower priced space because they have established themselves as fair and reliable.  Or perhaps they are in a better location.  You might also have pricing power as a tenant if you have a history of long stable rentals or are a better fit with other businesses on a property than a competing tenant.  However, pricing power only goes so far in commercial real estate deals, because often prices are largely determined by the market.  Because of this it is still essential for landlords to try to offer the lowest prices.

#3 Deal Points

A deal point is a non-negotiable item that is make-or-break in agreeing to a lease.  Both sides usually come to the table with a few deal points, so it is essential to determine early on what these issues are for each party.  For instance, a landlord might insist on a certain type of lease, such as triple net, or adjustments to rent that take into account inflation over the years.  A tenant might insist on the right to sublease, or a provision that allows them to break the lease if an anchor tenant leaves the property.

An understanding of how negotiations work can help you determine what is truly a good deal for your business or when to walk away.

If you want to learn more about available office space for rent in Kansas City, give Kathy Woodward at DDI Commercial a call at 913-685-4100.


4 Ways to Find the Best Small Office Lease in Kansas City for Your Business

Moving out of the home office into a real rental space can be an exciting sign of growth and success for small businesses. Trends in the commercial real estate market will come and go, but regardless of the market getting a good deal requires being a sharp scout. Check out these tips for seeking out the best possible space for your small business, as suggested in the article “The Do’s and Don’ts of Renting Office Space”:

#1 Consider Your Size

While your time in a cramped home office might have made you dream of large spaces, be prudent when estimating how much space you will actually need. Some experts recommend around 200 SF per employee, but you might be able to manage with less depending on what your budget allows.

There are a few other options besides renting your own space if you have only a few employees. One option is sharing an office suite that already includes furniture and equipment. The fees might be high for a space like this; it typically includes services like internet, phone, copying, and fax, but this might mean that your business can devote its money and energy to other things as you navigate the startup phase. Another option would be to sublet space from another business, which would mean splitting some of the building costs, and you might even be able to use some furniture and other equipment.

#2 Stay Flexible on Lease Length

As a general rule, small businesses should steer clear of long term leases, as they could wreak havoc on your finances if your business does not grow as predicted. Oh the other hand, if your business grows too much, you will be stuck in a cramped space if you committed to a long term lease. A short term lease is most ideal for small businesses, and the best case scenario would be renting with a landlord who can offer properties of different sizes and might even allow your business to move to another floor or nearby space after a few years of growth.

#3 Don’t Ignore the Details

It is important to not only fully read but to fully understand all of your lease terms. You will want to double check to make sure that nothing you are doing is violating those terms, whether it is a window sign, to hours of operation, to equipment usage. It might not be a bad idea to ask an attorney to look over your paperwork, such as the work letter and the lease itself, just to make sure you did not miss anything that will come back to hurt your business.

#4 Consider Clustering

While it might seem counterintuitive at first glance, choosing a location near businesses similar to yours—called clustering—might actually have its advantages. Especially with startup businesses, collaboration can be crucial, and even competition for customers can foster growth for both businesses, such as when gas stations set up on opposite corners. Sometimes research oriented companies decide to work near each other so they can share equipment, discuss best practices, and even collaborate on new ideas. Retail businesses group together so as to be a “one-stop shop” for customers.

The downsides of clustering include the threat of competitors stealing information or employees, so it is important to think about the kind of business you have and how you attract customers and employees before deciding to cluster.

Finding that first office space outside the home can be a make-or-break move for small businesses, so make sure that you research carefully and find out what different options are available to you!

If you would like to learn more about office suites for rent in Kansas City, give Kathy Woodward at DDI Commercial a call at 913-685-4100!


3 Creative Ways to Find More Kansas City Office Space

It can be difficult for start-up businesses to acquire the office space they need on a shoestring budget. If your business is looking to maximize office space with minimal damage to your finances, check out these creative suggestions from the Forbes article “Thinking Outside the Box When it Comes to Office Space”:

Evaluate Your Staffing Needs

One way to deal with the need for space is to see if you can minimize the workforce in your actual office space. See if you can create internships or independent contractor agreements so that you do not have as many employees crowded in your office building.

Find Co-Working Space.

Co-working spaces are more flexible than a 3-5 year lease agreement, and allow tenants to rent on a yearly, monthly, or even daily basis. This can be great if your company is digitally based (and thus mobile) and you want to interact with other small business owners in a collaborative environment.

Rent Shared Office Space

This has similar benefits to co-working space, but might involve a more stable, long term arrangement. The practice of larger companies subletting extra space to smaller businesses has been a common trend in commercial real estate. You might even be able to rent as little as a desk or cubicle for a flat rate.

Do not give up on the idea of finding a good office space that fosters productivity just because you have a small budget—there are a lot of options out there!

If you are looking for a small office lease in Kansas City, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to learn more about our affordable office space in Kansas City.


Three Small Office Lease in Kansas City Provisions to Carefully Review

It is important to review all of your lease before signing it, possibly even with the help of a broker or attorney, but here are a few provisions in particular to read carefully, as suggested in the article “Real Estate—Commercial Leasing”:

  1. Basic/Net Rental Rates. Make sure that the basic or net rent that was listed in the lease matches up to listings of the rent in other official documents, such as the confidential information memorandum (CIM), rent roll, and any other income documentation that you need to serve as a record of the value of the space. You will want to be on the lookout for any discrepancies, including in the date listed and any information on rent increases.
  2. Compare Rent to Actual Payments. Make sure that the rental rate listed for a space matches up with what tenants actually pay. Legally, a landlord might not be able to enforce a higher rental rate if they have regularly accepted lower payments from tenants or made an oral agreement to reduce rental costs.
  3. Area. This is another item to check against what is on record in income documentation. You can also ask the landlord if they have area certificates to double check that both the space listed and the measurement standard match up with what is on the lease.

Do all of the research you can to make sure that your rental rate and the amount of space you are renting are correctly listed on your lease.

If you would like to learn more about office lease rates in Kansas City, give Kathy Woodward at DDI Commercial a call at 913-685-4100.


5 Qualities That Your Office Space in Kansas City Workplace Environment Needs in Order to be Great

Many small business owners decided to start their own businesses because they were tired of working in negative environments, and often successful small businesses create a positive environment for their staff by not recreating those torturous work environments.  Here are some tips for making your own workplace a positive space, as suggested in the article, “How to Make Your Small-Business Workplace Great“:

  1. Build Trust.  This is central to creating a positive work environment.  Think about how you can build credibility, earn respect, and foster fairness.
  2. Friendship.  A major contributor to employee satisfaction is having good friends at work.  In some of the best workplace environments employees report not just having casual friendships, but strong relationships with coworkers.  Create a welcoming environment by instituting a mentor program for new employees to help them get settled.
  3. Pride.  Make your employees feel like what they do makes a difference!  Give them affirming and constructive feedback regularly to let them know that you care about what they do.
  4. Authenticity.  Promote acceptance, which will allow people to be their authentic selves, instead of putting on a “work persona,” which can be draining.
  5. Common Goals.  Be clear about what is expected and most important in your workplace.  Create unity by giving employees a common goal to work towards.

Promoting a happy staff is so instrumental in building a successful business!

If you are looking for a small office lease in Kansas City, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to find out about our available affordable office space in Kansas City!


Working With Your Landlord to Renew Your Small Office Lease in Kansas City

One way to approach renewing your office space lease is to put yourself in your landlord’s position.  Instead of thinking of your landlord as being on the opposing side of negotiations, consider how you can work together to achieve a deal that benefits both of you.  Here are some tips for working with your landlord during renewal negotiations, as suggested in the article, Eight Tips for Negotiating an Office Lease Renewal:

Consider Your Landlord’s Concerns

Think for a moment about the main concerns your landlord has.  Landlords are typically interested in avoiding difficult rental situations, the value of their spaces, and the current income (cash flow) they are making from the property.  Be aware of how your landlord might prioritize these three things and how they fit together.  For instance, property value and cash flow are related: property value is calculated based on cash flow during a certain amount of time, with a consideration of cash flow in the future.  So you might be able to negotiate for lower rental rates during certain periods in exchange for paying an increased rate when your landlord needs that higher cash flow (i.e. when they are thinking about refinancing).

Find Savings for Both Tenant and Landlord

Both you and your landlord have the same goal of avoiding the difficulty and expense of relocating.  Just as you do not want to set up in a new space, your landlord does not want an empty space on their hands and the headache of soliciting new tenants, negotiating a new lease, and dealing with improvements.  And if you have been a reliable and respectful tenant, they might prefer continuing a relationship with you over the unknown.  Talk with your landlord about the ways that your renewal can benefit them as well, and keep in mind the other party’s needs and concerns as you negotiate.

Sometimes concern for your landlord’s needs can result in a good deal for both of you!

If you are interested in commercial realty in Kansas City, give Kathy Woodward at DDI Commercial a call at 913-685-4100!


Choosing a Kansas City Office Space: Step 3

Choosing an office space location for your business is a process that requires time and careful research.  There are several things to be taken care of before you even begin your search for a space, the first being to determine your business’s needs.  Once you figure out what it is your business absolutely must have in a space, the next step is to take a look at your budget, assessing not only what kind of rent you can afford, but also factoring in any extra costs or financial incentives that might be tied to particular spaces.  The next major step in finding a location for your business is doing some research on the areas you are considering:

Find Out if the Area is Business Friendly

Having an awareness of the laws and regulations that will apply to your business in a specific area is extremely important.  As your business grows, it might be worth it to work with a small business counselor or specialist.  Often state government and local communities offer various programs and support options to small business, and many states even have online tools to help small business owners launch and develop their businesses.  Some examples of programs that support small business are the SBA Offices, Women’s Business Centers, Small Business Development Centers, and other government-funded options.

The bottom line when choosing an office space location is to do some research.  Talk to other business owners on the property and potential co-tenants.  Check in with the small business community and utilize all resources available, such as demographic data provided by the government.  All of these things can help you reach the best location decision for your business.

If you are looking for a small office lease in Kansas City, give a DDI Commercial real estate broker in Kansas City a call at 913-685-4100!
