6 Differences Between a Business Space for Rent in Overland Park and a Retail Space

6 Differences Between a Business Space for Rent in Overland Park and a Retail Space

When thinking about an office space location, it is important to remember that convenience is key to a business selling a service. Which means that if you are a dentist, optometrist, veterinarian, or any another type of professional who wants to set up an office in a retail space, this could help bring in costumers because of the location’s convenience and accessibility. However, when trying to decide if a retail style space is good for you it might be a good idea to keep a few points in mind when making your decision, as outlined in the article “One Lease Does Not Fit All,” which narrows down the important differences between different types of spaces and leases:

Gross Income Reports

Most spaces that have a retail lease may require the tenant to include a report of the amount of sales the tenant is projected to make in a term (monthly, quarterly, or annually). This could potentially be avoided if the tenant makes it so in the lease. It is worth noting that these kinds of reports are not significant for most professional office leases.

Operating Expenses

It is important to understand the differences between the retail space and an office space when looking at what you are actually paying for. Most retail spaces make the tenants pay for everything from maintenance to insurance on top of the base rent. Whereas in an office lease—depending on the type of lease—the tenant has different payments and usually only pays operating expenses on top of the base rent.


As discussed above, the tenant pays for the maintenance in most retail spaces. In a professional office lease the maintenance and repairs are usually controlled and paid for by the landlord, who should make sure that the office space is up to date and standard quality. Tenants should make a point of including this in their lease.

Changing your name

In most cases the landlord in a retail setting must approve a change in the business’s name. This isn’t true for most trade names in office spaces, where the landlord generally considers it irrelevant to the lease.

Redesigning the Interior

Design of the interior space in a retail store is very important to the overall image of the property. Design can affect how many people enter the store, which in turn affects the income of both the store and the general foot traffic and profitability of the whole property. Because of this, interior design might be one of the things that the landlord will want the power to sign off on. This isn’t the case for office space, where the interior space or other alterations might not be significant to sales or the landlord’s bottom line.

Competition Restrictions

In most retail spaces, the landlord will not let you set up your business in a premises where there’s competition near by. Some places might have an exception, but when the landlord sees a potential problem with the gross sales in a certain market, they could refuse you a space. On the other hand, this kind of radius restriction does not happen often in the world of professional office space. 

With these points in mind, you can be better equipped to make a decision on whether or not you want to open a space in a retail section or a professional office space. Once you have made your decision, be prepared for differences in leases and landlord relations.

If you are looking for professional office space in Overland Park, KS, give a commercial real estate broker in Kansas City a call at 913-685-4100!


10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Signing a Lease for an Office Space in Overland Park, KS

10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Signing a Lease for an Office Space in Overland Park, KS

Signing a lease for a new office space can be a big move for a small company., whether you are upgrading to a new, hipper office or needing a downgrade to fit your more modest needs. Before you sign that contract here are ten questions you should ask yourself, as outlined in the article “Top 10 Tips for Planning your Office Space.”

1. Did I try to negotiate?

Negotiation is important to any big decision when dealing with landlords. Contracts should fit your terms and theirs, so don’t be afraid to ask for a break clause in your contract as well as a rent-free period.

2. Is this the location I want?

Location is obviously very important to a business. Not only must it be a good place to do business but also a place that attracts potential clients or an attractive area to work for new employees. Consider places for lunch, banks, places to entertain clients, parking, accessibility; these are all important to look for.

3. Is the office right for what I am doing?

Ask yourself what you will be doing in the office space. Will you be meeting clients or just holding staff meetings? Depending on what you use your office space for you could consider different types of office options.

4. Do I have the financial stability for this lease?

Financial stress can really hurt a new business. So before you go signing a lease for a brand new office remember to look at the price tag and weigh out what that means for your business. There are many alternatives to a traditional office and considering different options could make a huge difference.

5. Do I feel secure in this building?

Security is something everyone needs to consider when looking at new office space. You may want to consider facilities with security for employees or lockers where staff can place their things. Also will the building be safe both day and night? Especially when staff and clients are coming and going.

6. Have I considered all the different types of offices?

What kind of staff do you have? How many people will be coming in and out of your office? If it is just you working in the office it might be wise to consider office communities or some sort of work hub. They promote introductions, meeting new people and networking in ways that other offices do not.

7. Can I knock down walls?

How much freedom over the space will you have when you move into your office? If you want to make renovations could you? In a fast paced and changing market it is important to have an office that represents you as a company.

8. How much space do I need?

Variety in workspace is very important to productivity, creativity and energy.  So when trying to decide on your new office space, make sure that the offices have everything you need from places for meetings to contemplation spaces for personal assignments.

9. How much will the extra stuff cost me?

It is important to remember that when renting a new office that there are many things that come after the initial purchase. Things like internet, phone lines, kitchen dishes and utilities could all come into play after the initial purchase. It’s easy to forget that you might need a coffee maker after moving in all those computers and desk chairs.

10. Have I thought about the future?

One thing that is very important to new business is to think whether the space will be the right fit five to ten years from now. Prepare to commit to your lease; you need to think in both the long-term and the short-term goals of the company.

Make sure to look these questions over before signing the contract for your new office space!

If you’re looking for business space for rent in Overland Park contact a commercial real estate broker in Kansas City at 913-685-4100 for more information!


Tips for Sticking to New Year’s Resolutions in Your Office Space in Overland Park, KS

If you plan to make any resolutions this new year, why stop with just your personal life? Try to make a few resolutions for your work life as well – and stick to them. Consider making it your plan as an office to come up with goals for the new year and hold each other accountable to them—a great way to actually execute those yearly hopes. Here are a few tips for making your New Year’s resolutions last, as suggested in the article “7 Tips to Stick To Your New Years Resolutions”:

#1 Write Your Resolutions

In this digital age it might seem easy to just make a note on your phone or or your laptop – or just to not bother recording resolutions at all, but there’s something satisfying about putting pen to paper when making a resolution.  Writing out a list or a goal and being able to check items off gives an actual sense of accomplishment. Scientifically, the things we physically write down tend to stay with us more. So write your resolutions down and then put them in a place where you will see them on a regular basis.

#2 Find Friends

It is important to tell people about your resolutions. One option is to actually pair up with someone in your office or life in general and help each other stick to your resolutions. Another option with so much access to social media is to blog, Tweet, or post on Facebook about your resolutions (without being overly personal or obnoxious). The idea of sharing a resolution gives you an accountability system. It makes you feel more responsible for keeping your resolution because you feel obligated to those individuals, even if they aren’t really a part of the resolution or actively check in with you about it.

#3 Set Small Goals

Set short-term goals for yourself, such as weekly or monthly benchmarks. Give yourself “due dates” periodically, and consider even buying a calendar that specifically focuses on these mile markers. They don’t need to be excessive or unrealistic goals, but breaking the process into manageable time periods can help keep you accountable and encouraged. Consider also setting aside rewards for yourself as you meet these deadlines. Make sure these rewards don’t to run counter to your goals – such as an ice cream binge when you’re trying to lose weight – but still make you feel good and excited about accomplishing something.

#4 Step by Step

Don’t get overwhelmed by how much there is to do between now and the attainment of your future goal. Take things day by day and just focus on achieving your aims for tomorrow. Keep in mind your overall goal throughout your day, but don’t let yourself to dwell on how big your hopes are. Simply keep working away at the daily details.

#5 Don’t Be Your Own Worst Critic

It is easy to beat yourself up or become discouraged if you start to fall behind on your resolutions. But don’t let yourself get lost in your failures. Instead, try to view them as learning experiences to avoid in the future. Too much focus on the negative will not only hurt your productivity, but will bring you and the people around you down.

Whether your goal is to land more clients than the year before, or simply to keep your workspace more organized take a little time to really set your resolutions and outline a plan for pursuing them. Make this year the year that your resolutions extends beyond just the month of January!

If your business is looking for a new office space in Kansas for the new year, Give us a call at 913-685-4100 to learn more about our office suites for rent in Overland Park or to set up a tour!


3 Things You Should Know About an Office Space Lease in Overland Park

The commercial real estate leasing process can be very detail-oriented.  Here are a few things to be aware of when you enter lease negotiations, as suggested in the article “Commercial Real Estate: What You Need to Know Before Leasing”:

  1. Beware of the first draft.  Know that the first copy of a lease that a landlord gives you will be full of terms that are much more favorable to them.  The landlord does this hoping that you as a tenant will sign this first copy without putting up a fight.  However, you need to enter negotiations knowing that the lease you will receive is not standardized—many of the clauses in it are up for negotiation, and you can potentially get a lease to a point where it is fair to both parties.
  2. Personal guarantees.  You will most likely have to sign a personal guarantee when renting a space, which means that you are personally liable for rent in the event that your business cannot pay.  A landlord will also probably want to check on your personal finances to make sure that you can follow through with this.  Note that landlords usually only care about this until you have established your trustworthiness as a tenant, so you might be able to negotiate to end the personal guarantee after a few years.
  3. Commercial lease pricing.  While your rental rate is going to be quoted on a per square foot basis, know the difference between usuable square footage—the office space you will actually use—versus the rentable square footage—the rate you will be charged for that also includes common spaces in the building.

Be ready to be a strong negotiator by doing your homework on commercial leases!

If you are interested in office space in Overland Park, KS, give a commercial real estate broker in Overland Park a call at 913-685-4100!



6 Tips for Managing the To-Do List in Your Office Space in Overland Park, KS

Small businesses can be a lot of work and it is easy to get overwhelmed quickly.  Whether you are training employees, keeping an eye on your future, or learning how to do new things, there are never enough hours in the day.  Check out these tips to help you maximize your productivity and keep a little of your sanity, as suggested in the article, “6 Steps to Managing Your Overwhelming Workload“:

  1. Prioritize.  Your to-do list will always be long, and you will almost never get it all done in a day.  Accept this fact, and begin to prioritize the most urgent and important tasks.  Be careful to make sure that what is urgent does not always edge out things that are important to stay on top of in the long term.
  2. Develop Discipline.  The reality of being a small business owner often entails sacrificing pleasure for work.  If your business is something you want to be a priority, be aware that often you cannot choose the things you would like to do over the things you need to do.
  3. Practice Time Management.  Limit the time you spend on certain tasks so that you stay sharp and focused.  Be aware of what tasks make you less productive the more time you spend on them and limit your time on these projects.
  4. Delegate!  Stick to tasks that are in your skill set, and outsource ones that are not.  Do not waste your time tinkering with a computer for several days when you could call in a technician to do the job in a half hour.  Though we are often reluctant to give critical tasks to others, delegating projects and problems that can be dealt with by other capable hands can free you up to do more productive things.
  5. Don’t Be a Perfectionist.  This does not mean accepting mediocrity, but do not slave over projects that will not produce any more value no matter how much time you spend on them.  It is frustrating, a waste of energy, and takes your time away from other tasks that do need more work to produce value.
  6. Figure Out Your Pace.  If you are going to be the primary worker in your small business for several years, you will need to develop a pace that you can sustain for this time.  However, sometimes there will be short periods when you might have to work at 110% to get your business through a critical time.  This can be a successful strategy if you are able to generate some revenue, hire more employees and then delegate so that you can scale back.

Work hard, but also learn to work smart!

Give a commercial real estate broker in Overland Park a call at 913-685-4100 if you are interested in Overland Park office space for lease!


6 Ways To Be A Savvy Kansas City Office Space Lease Negotiator

The current real estate market is ideal for business owners looking to upgrade or find a new space, but even in this buyer’s market negotiating a lease is still a challenge for prospective tenants and requires careful research and diligence.  Once you have found your dream location, take a look at a few of these ways to make sure you are negotiating the best lease you can get:

Setting Your Lease Term
Your first negotiating point in a lease will be the term and the rent.  Ideally, your goal is to avoid over committing while still allowing yourself flexibility in the long run.  Most small businesses aim for a one to two year lease term with the option to renew.  It is also important to address rent increases over your term, along with renewal options, to avoid getting hit out of the blue with rent increases, which can be a sudden blow to your margins and cash flow.

Be prepared for a landlord to push for a long-term lease.  Utilizing a broker who knows the market and landlords’ tricks is a smart idea, but be aware that brokers work for the landlord and get commission on the total value of your lease.  You might talk to a real estate lawyer before consulting a broker to get some recommendations and some help navigating negotiations.

Read Your Lease
It seems like a no-brainer, but it can be tempting to skim through some of the dull parts.  However, it is important to go over all of the details of your lease and even hire a commercial real estate attorney to review the clauses and fine print.

Looking for Overland Park office space for rent?  Give us a call at 913-685-4100 to find out about our available office space in Overland Park, KS!


Determining Office Space in Kansas Location: Part I

Choosing a location for your small business is perhaps one of the most important business decisions you will make, and requires careful research and planning. The first step in this process is determining your business’s needs. An obvious factor in location is good exposure to customers, but here are a few other things to consider:

  • Competition – determine if the businesses around you are complimentary or competition.
  • • Brand Image – does the potential location fit with the image your business wants to uphold?
  • • Local Labor – are there potential employees in the area, and how long will their commute be?
  • • Proximity to Suppliers – they need to be able to get to you, just as customers do.
  • • Plan for Future Expansion – be sure the space gives your business room to grow if you need it.
  • • Safety – look into the crime rate in the area, keeping in mind how employees will feel alone in the building or in the parking lot.
  • • Zoning Regulations – make sure that you can conduct your type of business at the potential property. Contact your local planning agency to find out about property zoning.

If you are considering moving to office space in Overland Park, KS, feel free to contact a commercial real estate broker in Overland Park at 913-685-4100 with any questions about how our spaces can meet your business’s needs!
