Six Tips for Finding the Best Deal for a Kansas City Office Space

Finding commercial real estate is a process, and it requires plenty of business smarts to find good, affordable spaces.  But how do you determine what commercial real estate is going to be the best for your business?  What is the difference between a great deal and financial losses waiting to happen?  Here are a few tips to help you thoroughly evaluate your commercial real estate options, as suggested in the article, 7 Steps to a Hot Commercial Real Estate Deal:

#1 Have a Plan

Have some criteria for a space in mind and an idea of what you are willing to put forth before you even begin looking.  Consider the following issues:

  • How much space your business will need
  • The kind of space you will need and any specific amenities that must be included
  • The amount that your business can budget to pay for a space
  • Whether you need to find other businesses to share a space with

Be ready to walk away from negotiations of a space does not meet your requirements.

#2 Learn How to Evaluate Like an Insider

In order to really navigate the world of commercial real estate, you need to learn what the professional real estate hunters know.  A lot of people are not aware of the differences between leasing a commercial space and leasing a residential space.  For instance, commercial property involves a bigger cash flow and the income on a space corresponds directly to its usable square footage.  The lease terms for commercial real estate spaces also tend to be longer than those of residential leases.  Finally, you need to know that commercial property lenders typically want you to be able pay at least a 30% deposit upfront, so plan for that when you are making your budget.

Preparing for your foray into commercial real estate is just as important as being a tough negotiator!

If you are interested in office suites for rent in Kansas City, give a commercial real estate broker in Kansas City a call at 913-685-4100!


Simple Steps for Finding a New Kansas City Office Space: Part II

When you are planning to relocate to a new space, it is important to break the process down into logical steps.  Here are some suggestions for steps to consider, as listed in the article Planning for a New Office Space in the New Year:


This seems like an obvious thing to review and consider when planning a move, but there are often things that businesses forget to consider when moving.  For instance, if you are leasing a space it is important to research current market lease rates and expected trends in drops or increases.  Do not let yourself be surprised by unexpected expenses.  Here is a list of top budget considerations to go over

  • Security deposit and first month’s rent
  • Gathering your balance sheets, profit/loss statements, etc. for a landlord to look at
  • Phone and data cable cost estimates
  • Internet costs
  • Insurance – both property and general liability.
  • Cost for movers, equipment, and furniture
  • Any updates to websites, social media, or business cards
  • Cost of build out or any finishes to a space.

Free Services

Think about asking a commercial office tenant representative to help you with market research, area information, trends, and any other questions that might require expert insight.  Doing this will help you save time and money in the long run.  Sometimes business are hesitant to seek help finding a space because of fees, but often they do not realize that a commission will be paid whether they seek help or not because leasing commissions are often negotiated in advance between listing agents and building owners.

Make sure you do some preparing before even beginning your actual search for office space!

If you need help finding a business space for rent in Overland Park, give a DDI Commercial real estate broker in Overland Park a call at 913-685-4100!


Simple Steps for Finding a New Kansas City Office Space

Whether you need to move up or downsize, there are several different factors to consider before beginning the search for a new office space and making any final decisions.  Here are a few steps that can help you make this process go more smoothly, as seen in the article Planning for a New Office Space in the New Year:

Create a Needs List

The first step to take is creating a list of your business’s needs—not wants or wishes, but the things you truly cannot compromise on.  This will help you figure out if the type of space you need is even available in the area where you are looking.

One way of managing this process is creating a move team so it is easy to delegate information gathering tasks.  Assign a project leader and set important dates and deadlines with the team.

Space Considerations

Here are a few key questions to help you determine your space needs:

  1. Do you need a lot of general office space—room for people, desks or equipment?
  2. Do you need a space with plenty of conference rooms for client meetings, presentations, or private conferences?
  3. Is parking a major concern?
  4. Are you downsizing and need to redesign your office layout?
  5. Do you need both an office space and warehouse in the same location?

Consider these steps and questions to help determine what your business needs before you start searching and negotiating!

If you are looking for commercial realty in Overland Park, give Kathy Woodward at DDI Commercial a call at 913-685-4100!


Tips for Being Courteous in Your Kansas City Office Space

Sometimes it is easy to become unaware of your surroundings when you are settled into a workplace and working hard, but it is important to stay conscious of how your daily habits are impacting your coworkers.  Here are some things to think about to make sure you are being courteous in the workplace:

  • Be respectful of others’ space.  Even if you are just in cubicles, be sure to knock before walking into a person’s space, or find some other non-disruptive way to make your presence known.  Wait to sit down until you are invited to do so.
  • Keep your space neat.  Your workspace is a reflection of you, so be sure to keep it clean and organized, with a few personal touches.
  • Do not interrupt phone calls.  If someone is on the phone, leave them alone—it could be an important call.  Do not interrupt their conversation or even try to communicate with them using sign language.  Wait until they are finished or come back later.
  • Follow accepted cell phone practices.  Know when it is appropriate to use your cell phone, and try to limit your personal calls.
  • Be courteous with food.  Try to eat as little as possible in your office space.  The noise of preparing food or the smell could be a distraction to surrounding coworkers.

Be aware of the culture of your office and try to be a courteous and pleasant coworker!

If your business is interested in an office space for rent in Kansas City, give a commercial real estate broker in Kansas City a call at 913-685-4100 to find out about our available spaces!


3 Ways to Create a Creative Kansas City Office Space

Companies like Google are setting a trend with creative work environments.  Do yourself and your employees a favor by considering ways you can make your space more conducive to creativity, and ultimately productivity:

  1. Make Some Green Space.  Studies have shown that natural lighting and plants can boost the mood in a space, which in turn boosts creativity.  Add plants and any other natural materials, as well as natural light when you can, and enjoy the relaxing effects.
  2. Create Background Noise.  It is similar idea to being in a coffee shop or restaurant.  Many people like a constant buzz and sense of energy, because it gives them the freedom and privacy to carry on their own interactions.
  3. Think in Zones.  Again, it is a similar concept to a restaurant, or even to a city.  Create areas where people can talk, such as a kitchen area, or have privacy, like a corner with a few comfy couches.  Creating these areas will allow people to choose where they need to get certain types of work done, and will make for better collaboration opportunities.

Even if you are not ready to start replacing your staircases with slides, you can still design your office following simple principles for fostering a creative environment.  Encouraging creativity and collaboration, as well as making your employees more comfortable, could ultimately boost the overall mood and productivity in your office.

If your business is interested in commercial real estate in Kansas City, give us a DDI Commercial real estate broker in Kansas City a call at 913-685-4100!


Choosing a Kansas City Office Space: Step 3

Choosing an office space location for your business is a process that requires time and careful research.  There are several things to be taken care of before you even begin your search for a space, the first being to determine your business’s needs.  Once you figure out what it is your business absolutely must have in a space, the next step is to take a look at your budget, assessing not only what kind of rent you can afford, but also factoring in any extra costs or financial incentives that might be tied to particular spaces.  The next major step in finding a location for your business is doing some research on the areas you are considering:

Find Out if the Area is Business Friendly

Having an awareness of the laws and regulations that will apply to your business in a specific area is extremely important.  As your business grows, it might be worth it to work with a small business counselor or specialist.  Often state government and local communities offer various programs and support options to small business, and many states even have online tools to help small business owners launch and develop their businesses.  Some examples of programs that support small business are the SBA Offices, Women’s Business Centers, Small Business Development Centers, and other government-funded options.

The bottom line when choosing an office space location is to do some research.  Talk to other business owners on the property and potential co-tenants.  Check in with the small business community and utilize all resources available, such as demographic data provided by the government.  All of these things can help you reach the best location decision for your business.

If you are looking for a small office lease in Kansas City, give a DDI Commercial real estate broker in Kansas City a call at 913-685-4100!


Choosing a Kansas City Office Space: Step 2

Choosing an office space is a hugely important decision for your business, and can have a major impact on your business’s success and financial state.  The first step in choosing a location is to determine your business’s needs, allowing you to quickly evaluate properties and decide whether or not to pursue them based on if they meet your business’s criteria.  The next step in finding a commercial space involves taking a look at what you can financially handle:

Evaluate Your Budget

Besides determining what kind of space you can afford, there are a few other financial considerations to be aware of:

  • Hidden Costs – Spaces are rarely ready for your business to move right in.  These hidden costs might include things like repairs, decorating, technology upgrades, etc.
  • Taxes – Make sure you are aware of the income and sales tax rates for that state.  Are there property taxes you will have to pay?  Could locating your business across a nearby state line save you some money in tax payments?
  • Government Incentives – Often there are government economic business programs in an area that can provide you with state-specific loans for small business or other financial benefits.
  • Minimum Wage – While there is a set federal minimum wage, many states have a higher minimum wage in place.  You can determine the requirements for your state by looking at the Department of Labor’s list of minimum wage rates by state.

Being aware of unexpected costs and what your budget can accommodate is an important step in determining if a business location is a fit.

If you would like to learn more about office lease rates in Kansas City, give a commercial real estate broker in Kansas City a call at 913-685-4100!


Choosing a Kansas City Office Space: Step 1

Selecting a location for your business is one of the most important decisions a small business owner will make, so careful research and preparation is required.  Here is the first of a few steps to help you find the best location for your business:

Determine Your Business’s Needs

An obvious factor in choosing a business is customer exposure, but here are a few other factors and needs that you might also consider:

  1. Plan For Future Growth – If you think your business might grow during the duration of a lease term, be sure to determine if the property has extra space you can lease and what that process would entail.
  2. Competition – Are the surrounding business in the property complementary or competitors?
  3. Brand Image – Does the location fit with the image your business is trying to uphold?
  4. Local Labor Market – Are there potential employees in this area?  Will they have to commute far?
  5. Zoning Requirements – These dictate what kind of business you can conduct in a location.  Contact a local planning agency to make sure your business operations comply with the regulations.
  6. Safety – Is there a high crime rate in the area?  Are there measures in place to make sure your employees and customers will feel safe in your parking lot?

Determining your needs before beginning your search for a business will help you quickly determine whether to pursue or reject various properties.

If your business is interested in office suites for rent in Kansas City, give a DDI Commercial real estate broker in Kansas City a call at 913-685-4100!


Three Ways to Decorate Your Kansas City Office Space

Since you spend so much time during the week in your office or cubicle, why not personalize it?  Before you get started, think about the culture of your company.  If you work for a more conservative business, you do not want to go overboard on decorations, but if your company is more creative and modern, you might have more freedom to jazz up your space.  Here are some tips for making your office or cubicle your own:

  1. Brighten up the walls.  If you have plain grey walls, consider covering them with craft paper, colorful fabric, wallpaper, or even Astroturf!  You can attach these coverings using Velcro tape.
  2. Add some green.  A living plant will improve both your mood and the air quality of your office, since plants give off oxygen and soak up pollutants.  Bamboo or some small ivy plant are good low-maintenance plants for an office.  You might also consider bringing in fresh flowers every so often.  If plants aren’t really your thing, you could even put a goldfish in a bowl (but remember to feed it!).
  3. Make a fake window.  Have a photo that inspires you or a piece of art framed with lightweight window molding and hang it in your office for your own personal picture window!

These are just a few ideas to make your personal workspace more enjoyable for you!

If your business is interested in finding office space in Overland Park, KS, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to find out about our available office suites for rent in Overland Park!


What Type of Kansas City Office Space Location is Best for Your Business?

In order to find a profitable location for your business, you will want to consider the various factors that will increase customer traffic to your location.  Here are a few questions to ask yourself as you are considering what type of location would be best for your business:

  • Will customers be walking in?  It is important to distinguish between foot and automobile traffic.  For example, if you are opening a coffee shop in the city, you might depend on nearby pedestrian traffic for business.
  • Will customers be driving to our location, and if so, is there parking available?  For example, if you are opening an auto repair shop, you might want to locate on a well-travelled street where your business will be noticed by drivers.
  • Will the reputation of a particular area or building help draw more customers?
  • Will we draw more customers in a space near other similar businesses?  A woman’s clothing shop might do well near other clothing stores, since people shopping for clothes tend to spend some time browsing multiple stores in a particular area.

Finding the perfect location varies from business to business.  Be sure to take some time to consider the habits of the customers you are interested in before choosing a location.

If you are interested in locating your business in an office space in Kansas City, give us a call at 913-685-4100 to find out about our available commercial realty in Kansas City!
